NARS Cosmetics Summer Makeup Collection 2010

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Juice Cleanse with Ritual Cleanse

I was offered the opportunity to try out a juice cleanse from Ritual Cleanse.  They're a wonderful company that offers 100% organic juices made from vegetables, fruits and nuts.  The service was excellent and the delivery was right on point.  I was to start my "Seasonal Reset" cleanse on a Monday and when I woke up at 7am, the juices were already on my doorstep.  They do offer a pick-up option if you'd like to pick-up instead of pay the delivery fee.  The juices are pressed the day before for ultimate fresh-ness.  There are 6 different juices that are to be consumed in a day.  My cleanse lasted for 3 days, so I had 6 bottles a day for 3 days= 18 bottles of juices total!  You are to drink only the juices along with water and hot tea but not any food.  I rarely eat any fruits!  I just don't think that fruits taste that good and I'm not too great with eating my veggies as well.  I'm sure my body was shocked when I started consuming all the healthy veggies, fruits and nuts. 

The 1st day was the hardest because I just wanted to eat some solid food.  I started to miss chewing haha.  Although the 1st day was difficult, the 2nd day came and things were much easier.  Once day 3 came around, it was a piece of cake and I felt like I could continue consuming juices for a longer period.  Ritual Cleanse does offer a 5 day cleanse if you'd like to go longer than the 3 days.  I started noticing a change in my skin, my face felt so soft and smooth that I could not stop touching my it :)  I hadn't changed or started using any new skin products so I knew that it HAD to be the Ritual Cleanse working it's magic. 

The tastes of the juices vary but my absolute favorite had to be juice #2!  Made of mango, pineapple, green apple, and young coconut water... it was amazing!  I absolutely adore coconut water and the mixture of that with mango was just divine.  Juice #4 tasted like lemonade which was fun.  All the green juices tasted pretty similar from one another.  They had the base ingredients of spinach, romaine, kale, celery and cucumber so you KNEW that the stuff was healthy for you.  Juice #6 was the only one with nuts in it and so the consistency was a lot thicker than the rest of the juices.  Since it's the last juice you're supposed to drink for the night, it's thicker consistency made me feel much fuller than the rest. 

Although you're only consuming liquids the entire day, I was never starving.  I did get hungry in between the juices but as soon as I had the next bottle, I was FULL.  They were surprisingly filling.  I loved that I didn't have to think about what I wanted to eat for my next meal, I didn't have to pack my lunch in the morning (just couldn't forget my juices for the day).  At the end of the cleanse, I had lost a total of 5 lbs but I expected this to decrease once I started eating normally again.  A week after I ended my cleanse, I lost a total of 2.5 lbs.  I didn't go into the cleanse expecting to lose any weight so that was a plus.  You really have to have the right mind going into any sort of cleanse.  You do it to better your body and health.  You can't expect to lose weight and have it as your main goal.  I felt much healthier after this cleanse.  My body felt lighter and I felt like my stomach was digesting food better.  I developed a greater appreciation for food (since I had missed it so much).  You can definitely expect to come out of this cleanse with a healthier body and perspective.  I wasn't as tired throughout the day as I used to be and even my nails were stronger too!  The only thing that was difficult for me was having to use the restroom sooooo often to go pee hahaa.  I think that this should be expected though since you're consuming 6 bottles of juices every day.

Because Ritual Cleanse uses 100% organic ingredients for their juices, the cleanse can be pricey but if you can get other people to sign up with you, they do offer a group discount.  I'd definitely recommend this cleanse to anyone that is looking for a healthy approach to cleansing and I'd definitely choose Ritual Cleanse the next time I do another cleanse.

Here's my video review of the Ritual Cleanse

* This was provided by Ritual Cleanse for me to share my experiences with you.  These are my honest opinions.

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